cUpnpService Member List

This is the complete list of members for cUpnpService, including all inherited members.

execute(Upnp_Action_Request *Request)=0cUpnpService [pure virtual]
mDeviceHandlecUpnpService [protected]
parseIntegerValue(IN IXML_Document *Document, IN const char *Item, OUT int *Value)cUpnpService [protected]
parseStringValue(IN IXML_Document *Document, IN const char *Item, OUT char **Value)cUpnpService [protected]
setError(Upnp_Action_Request *Request, int Error)cUpnpService [protected, virtual]
subscribe(Upnp_Subscription_Request *Request)=0cUpnpService [pure virtual]
~cUpnpService() (defined in cUpnpService)cUpnpService [inline, virtual]

Generated on Sun Nov 8 15:44:09 2009 for UPnP/DLNA plugin for VDR by  doxygen 1.5.8